4 Best Practices Successful WordPress Providers Use to Get Content from the Client on Time
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4 Best Practices Successful WordPress Providers Use to Get Content from the Client on Time

All you have to do is pose a question in a WordPress Facebook group or other WordPress-focused forum regarding getting content from the client. Chances are you will get a litany of responses that clearly indicate this a large and common problem for both WordPress agencies and independent consultants. The answer to this problem can…

How a Content-First Approach Can Help Control WordPress Scope Creep

How a Content-First Approach Can Help Control WordPress Scope Creep

First, let’s look at how things typically happen on a WordPress web development project, or ANY web development process for that matter. You and the client agree on the site design and a target date for project completion. The client is tasked with gathering the content necessary to complete development. To save time, you begin…

What Does It Mean to Define a WordPress Project in Detail?

What Does It Mean to Define a WordPress Project in Detail?

People commonly want to know more about what is involved in Principle # 1 – Define the Job in Detail with a Content-First Approach. It’s interesting because, in practice, the other principles are really subsets of this first one. For example, in order to fully define the job in detail, among other things, you really…

The 6 Principles of WordPress Productivity

The 6 Principles of WordPress Productivity

It’s important for you to know right up front that the 6 Principles of WordPress Productivity are not entirely original. History of the 6 Principles of WordPress Productivity Back in the 1980’s, John Keane, the founder and CEO of a large, multi-national IT consulting firm called Keane, Inc. (where I used to work), had a study done…

The Importance of a WordPress Project Acceptance Management Plan
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The Importance of a WordPress Project Acceptance Management Plan

On any web development project, WordPress or not, delivering a result that the client accepts is not always easy.   Too often, the developers sequester themselves while they work on the project and then emerge with what they think is the perfect solution, only to have the client reject it.  Sometimes this is the result of…

New Proposal Section to Control WordPress Project Scope Creep

New Proposal Section to Control WordPress Project Scope Creep

When creating a Project Proposal or any other place where you are defining the WordPress Project Scope for the client, most WordPress Practitioners will include what is IN scope and what is OUT of scope. But there is a 3rd section that, if included, can help you seriously control Scope Creep even before the project…