If You’re Not Using a 2-Step Proposal Process for your WordPress Project, You Are Shooting Yourself In The Foot

If You’re Not Using a 2-Step Proposal Process for your WordPress Project, You Are Shooting Yourself In The Foot

This is a re-recording of a Facebook Live I did last week showing you how using a 2-step proposal process will keep you from giving away work for free, get paid for detailed discovery, and get better at the proposal process over time. And how NOT doing it this way is like shooting yourself in…

4 Best Practices Successful WordPress Providers Use to Get Content from the Client on Time
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4 Best Practices Successful WordPress Providers Use to Get Content from the Client on Time

All you have to do is pose a question in a WordPress Facebook group or other WordPress-focused forum regarding getting content from the client. Chances are you will get a litany of responses that clearly indicate this a large and common problem for both WordPress agencies and independent consultants. The answer to this problem can…

WordPress and Other Web Solutions are Like Religion

WordPress and Other Web Solutions are Like Religion

For help with creating and launching these WordPress project management roadmaps (which are very much like an online course without quizzes), I joined Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy (DCA) and related Facebook group. As with any group that offers a web solution (like WordPress groups or plugin groups), there is the constant repeated question of…

7 Steps to Estimating WordPress Website Content

7 Steps to Estimating WordPress Website Content

I read an article recently that stated the opinion that “content-first” is a bad WordPress website strategy because it doesn’t consider the first purpose of a business website… to make money. The premise of the article was that a “marketing-first” approach is necessary. This is hogwash. Whether using a design-first or a content-first approach, the…

Why We Need a WordPress Website Development Methodology

Why We Need a WordPress Website Development Methodology

At first, I wasn’t sure if I should call this thing that I think we need a website development framework or a methodology so I looked up the terms. As it turns out, technically, a methodology is a set of principles, tools and practices which can be used to guide processes to achieve a particular…

How a Content-First Approach Can Help Control WordPress Scope Creep

How a Content-First Approach Can Help Control WordPress Scope Creep

First, let’s look at how things typically happen on a WordPress web development project, or ANY web development process for that matter. You and the client agree on the site design and a target date for project completion. The client is tasked with gathering the content necessary to complete development. To save time, you begin…