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What You Call Yourself Matters – Developer or Designer or Neither

As professionals, we are often pigeonholed into using common terms to describe what we do. However, these terms don’t always reflect the breadth and depth of our services. This becomes particularly relevant when dealing with clients, who might not have a clear understanding of the jargon within our industry. Whether it’s “freelancer,” “developer,” or “designer,” these titles can be vague and fail to communicate our unique selling points effectively.

Especially within the realm of WordPress projects, it’s essential to portray ourselves accurately and professionally. For example, the term “developer” might suggest a narrow focus on the technical aspect of a website, leaving out the design element. But we all know that the process encompasses much more than just “developing.” This is why the way we refer to ourselves plays a significant role in setting the stage with our clients.

So, what should we call ourselves? It depends on what we do.

For those providing a broad range of services beyond just putting together the nuts and bolts of a website, a title like a “WordPress Solution Provider” might be more fitting. This not only gives the impression of a professional, comprehensive service but also moves away from the “worker bee” perception.

Alternatively, if you’re someone who offers specialist services, then be specific. For example, you might want to call yourself a “Website Compliance Specialist” if you’re focusing on compliance and privacy policies or a “Website Development Project Manager” if you’re leading projects from start to finish. The key is to be as specific as possible to underline your specialty.

Another promising option is to refer to yourself as a “Website Consultant,” “Web Advisor,” or “Website Analyst,” especially if you’re more into problem-solving and strategy development. As we change the direction of our agencies, these titles seem to reflect the transformative services we offer better.

And if you’re wondering whether the use of such terms could confuse your clients, consider accompanying your title with a clear and concise tagline. A tagline that explicitly states the problem you solve and for whom can effectively communicate your value proposition.

In conclusion, the way we refer to ourselves can significantly impact how our clients perceive us and our services. By choosing a title that accurately depicts what we do, we can ensure that we’re setting the right expectations and fostering a professional image. Remember, what you call yourself matters, so choose wisely.

Never stop learning and growing. Be productive, be strong, and see you in the next article about maximizing your potential within the WordPress industry.

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