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Why You Need to Stop Selling Websites – NOW!

In today’s digital landscape, virtually anyone can create websites. The recent surge of web developers entering the market means competition is fiercer than ever, and standing out from the crowd is increasingly challenging. If you want to thrive as a web development professional, it’s time to shift your mindset: stop selling websites and start selling solutions.

The Shift from Web Builder to Solution Provider

As a technically-oriented professional, it’s tempting to focus solely on the aesthetic and functionality of a website. However, by doing this, you risk missing the bigger picture – the client’s business problem. The website is just one piece of the puzzle. As an agent or provider of websites, it’s your responsibility to understand the business problem the website aims to solve and provide a comprehensive solution.

Positioning as a Solution Provider

Positioning yourself as a solution provider allows you to delve deeper into your client’s business needs and offer them a complete package that extends beyond a simple website. This might include elements such as Google My Business, social media presence, or even data management processes. By providing a comprehensive solution, you not only meet your client’s needs more effectively but also enhance your value, allowing you to charge more for your services.

The Two Step Proposal Process

The key to becoming a successful solution provider lies in understanding your client’s needs thoroughly. One way to achieve this is through the two-step proposal process. This method involves an initial discovery phase where you find out what the client truly needs. After this, you provide a proposal with a range estimate of time and cost.

Following this, you conduct a deeper discovery phase where you delve into every detail of the client’s requirements. This could involve site mapping, content specification, functional requirements, and style and branding considerations. Upon completion, you provide the client with a second estimate. If this estimate falls within the initial range, the project continues. If not, the client has the option to cancel.

How to Offer Comprehensive Solutions

It’s important to note that as a solution provider, you’re not expected to be an expert in all areas. If your client requires services you’re not proficient in, such as social media management or SEO, you can include other professionals in your project team or refer your clients to experts in those fields. Your main role is to coordinate the solution and ensure that all aspects of the client’s business problem are addressed.

Why This Shift is Essential

Positioning yourself as a solution provider rather than a mere website builder offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it sets you apart from the competition and enhances your professional reputation. Secondly, it allows you to charge more for your services. Most importantly, by truly addressing your clients’ business problems, you improve client satisfaction, fostering long-term relationships and ensuring repeat business.

In conclusion, don’t limit yourself to being a button pusher. Instead, strive to be a solution provider. Bolster your project management skills, learn to conduct deep-dive discoveries, and collaborate with other professionals to provide comprehensive solutions. This strategic approach will set you up for success in the competitive world of web development.

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